Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the largest Spanish technological university specialised in all engineering fields and architecture. The research group on Advanced Nuclear Fission Systems has large expertise in research projects both at national and international level. The intense collaboration with governmental bodies and industry guarantees that research at UPM offers real solutions to real-world problems.

CIEMAT has been involved in several domestic and international projects within the field of nuclear safety. CIEMAT belongs to the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI), developing coordination activities in the Working Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA)

IRSN groups together more than 1700 experts and researchers. IRSN carries out research, analysis and work in the fields of nuclear safety, protection against ionising rays, control and protection of nuclear materials and protection against acts of malevolence. IRSN plays an active role in providing information to the public within its fields of expertise: nuclear and radiological risks.

The CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organisation under the administrative authority of French Ministry in charge of research. As the largest fundamental research organisation in Europe, CNRS is involved in all fields of knowledge. Interdisciplinary programs and actions offer a gateway into new domains of scientific investigation and enable CNRS to address the needs of society and industry.

Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) pursues cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on pressing issues facing society today. With its competence in materials science and simulation, and its expertise in physics, nanotechnology, and information technology, as well as in the biosciences and brain research, Jülich is developing the basis for the key technologies of tomorrow. In the area of nuclear safety research FZJ investigates experimentally relevant Severe Accident (SA) containment phenomena and processes.

Framatome is a major international player in the nuclear energy market recognized for its innovative solutions and value-adding technologies for designing, building, maintaining, and advancing the global nuclear fleet. The company designs, manufactures, and installs components, fuel, and instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power plants and offers a full range of reactor services. Framatome helps its customers to improve the safety and performance of their nuclear plants and achieve their economic and societal goals.

The Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) with its 20 faculties and more than 43,000 students from over 130 countries strongly encourages and facilitates inter-disciplinary research. The RUB’s Plant Simulation and Safety Group (PSS) is involved in teaching at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with a focus on reactor physics and nuclear power plant technology.

The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is an internationally highly regarded research institution in the fields of natural and technical sciences. JSI also acts as a Technical Safety Organisation for the Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration, the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the utility company GEN energija. As such, the Department of reactor engineering is involved in expertise and safety analyses, including topics related to severe accident management.

NRG is an internationally operating nuclear service provider. The mission of NRG is to respond to the social need for high-quality nuclear research and innovation, safe and reliable nuclear isotope production and services to organisations working with nuclear technology. NRG is a world market leader in the production of medical isotopes and operates the 45 MW High Flux Reactor (HFR) owned by the European Union

ENERGORISK Ltd is a nuclear service oriented company, founded in 1992, which provides services on nuclear facilities safety analysis, risk assessment, design works and associated peer review activities. Energorisk, Ltd. was one of the first companies in Ukraine that obtained a license for safety-related engineering works for nuclear facilities. It is included in the list of recommended suppliers of the National nuclear operator, NNEGC “Energoatom”. The company products are expert and consulting services; research and developments; design works; analytical and computational studies in the area of safety

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) is Canada’s premier nuclear science and technology organisation. CNL is a world leader in developing peaceful and innovative applications from nuclear technology through its expertise in physics, metallurgy, chemistry, biology and engineering. It delivers a range of nuclear services – ranging from research and development, design and engineering to specialised technology, waste management and decommissioning. Today, CNL continues its commitment to ensure that Canadians and the world receive energy, health, and environmental benefits from nuclear science and technology with confidence that nuclear safety and security are assured.

LGI Sustainable Innovation is a European innovation-driven business consultancy founded in 2005. LGI has coordinated a number of European projects, and regularly leads work packages dealing with the company’s areas of expertise such as innovation management, market, exploitation, economic analyses, technology assessment, and public engagement.
AMHYCO will also benefit from the worldwide experts in combustion science, accident management and nuclear safety in its Advisory Board.