Catch up with middle step technical workshop!
16-17 October 2023 – Orleans, France.
The technical content of the numerical and experimental results will be shown in an open workshop, targeting the main nuclear industry partners and the academia.
This will serve as a feedback to the work done in the project, bringing ideas to face the final phase of the project (WP5).
It will include a one-day course for fundamentals, named “H2/CO safety for nuclear power plants”, concerning the next points:
- H2/CO safety background: from pre-TMI times to post Fukushima actions.
- H2 and CO generation in a severe accident.
- H2 and CO distribution in a containment building.
- H2 and CO combustion fundamentals.
- H2 and CO mitigation: PARs, igniters, etc.
- H2 and CO management: SAMGs.
H2/CO safety for nuclear power plants
- H2/CO safety background: from pre-TMI times to post Fukushima actions.
- H2 and CO generation in a severe accident.
- H2 and CO distribution in a containment building.
- H2 and CO combustion fundamentals.
- H2 and CO mitigation: PARs, igniters, etc.
- H2 and CO management: SAMGs.
Special lectures
AMHYCO results & advances
- WP1: Critical review summary
- WP2: Selection of severe accident sequences summary
- WP3: Combustion & “PAR” status and summary
- WP4: Full containment analysis status and plans
- WP6: Dissemination, communication, education and training status
- H2/CO combustion processes: from fundamentals and first-principles simulations to containment-scale modeling
- H2/CO tests in National and OECD/NEA THEMIS projects: main outcomes and future plans
Technical tour to the CNRS laboratory