Although travel restrictions prevented the partners from meeting on-site in Jülich, there were some lively discussions during the coffee breaks and before the presentations ranging from questions on the technical details of the work packages (WPs) to upcoming festive activities!
Day 1 featured a roundtable presentation of each participant, a recap of the project as a whole from the coordinator Gonzalo Jiménez, presentations of WP 1 (Critical Review) and 2 (Selection Of Severe Accident Sequences), and presentations from the PhD and post doctorate students that almost turned into an impromptu thesis defence!
Day 2 dove into the detail in the remaining technical WPs (WP3 Experimental Investigations, WP4 Full Containment Analysis, and WP5 Enhancement of Severe Accident Management Guidelines), and the support WPs (WP6 Dissemination, Communication, Education and Training and WP7 Project Coordination and Management)*. The partners had productive questions and discussions, so much so that the coffee breaks turned into working coffee sessions!
This online meeting resulted in good exchanges and knowledge shared between the AMHYCO consortium and the partners are looking forward to meeting in-person and continuing to enhance combustion risk management in nuclear power plants!
*To find out more details about the progress of each work package, read the article here: https://amhyco.eu/2021/10/27/amhyco-project-updates-one-year-on/